Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Revolution

Ok, so I doubt I am the first person ever to think of that post title, But I've been up since 8am on a holiday, so I think I get a pass.

New Year's, as we all apparently figured out just this last year, is the most over-hyped holiday ever. I think it is because we wait up eagerly til midnight, expensive champagne in hand, hoping that we will somehow feel "different" when an arbitrary hand moves over a man-made number line. And we don't, because realistically, this minute was no different than the last, or the one right after that.

I always feel a lot better the morning after NYE, waking up in a new year and ready to tackle the challenges that it brings me. I feel like waking up at 8am, walking my dog, doing yoga... whatever. This feeling generally lasts a week before I get grumpy at the site of any clock before 10 again.

So maybe this year won't be very different (well, besides the world ending this December and all... stupid mayans.), but that doesn't mean we can't at least pretend it might be. In the case that this year is indeed different, here are my New Year's goals:
1. Blog more. Easier said than done, but hey! I'm blogging right now! That counts for something, right?
2. Take the stairs more often. As someone who wants to live in NYC with no money, I have a feeling I'm going to need to get used to walk-ups and a lack of elevators.
3. Be more awesome. Because that's a goal I feel everyone should work towards.

I won't bore you with all my personal, work-related, and financial goals that are ongoing, just the three most exciting ones. And the ones I am most likely to not fail at, as "overcoming my intense fear of failure", as you can see, is not on my resolution list. Maybe we'll achieve that in 2013.

Here's to a great New Year, one that hopefully won't end in an Apocalypse. ;)


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